“The copyright of Switzerland protects intellectual creations of literature and art, which have individual character. These creations include, inter alia, language works, works of music, fine arts, applied arts, visual or audiovisual works and computer programs."
“The author and author have the right to produce copies of works such as printed matter, audio, audio or data carriers (Article 10 (2) (a) URG), that is to duplicate their work. Only copyright owners or owners of rights may reproduce (provided they have been granted the reproduction right)."
“its really english version very amazing app that makes me finish html page in 3 minutes ( that's usually takes more than 1 hours at least from me if i did it from scratch). i hope to have very big library and plugins for this APP thanks again for your nice application öäü"
“Two types of legal action are possible. These are: Complaints under civil law (Articles 61 et seq., URG) or lawsuits under Criminal Law (Articles 67 et seq., URG). Persons who infringe copyrights may alternatively or cumulatively be punished with civil sanctions (damages) or criminal sanctions (imprisonment or fine)."
“Appenzell Moto protects the privacy of the registered users: users' private data are stored in encrypted form and can only be seen unencrypted when needed, and changes made by the user of Appenzell Moto are transmitted in encrypted form."
“It is advisable to provide the work with the copyright notice © followed by the year of origin and the name or pseudonym of the author, for example: © 2015 Nina Muster. A copyright notice should appear on each copy of the work. By doing so, you agree to be the copyright holder of the work in question."
Design: © 2025 Mobirise - All rights reserved
Appenzell Moto
c/o Claudio Biesele
Winkelstrasse 2
CH-9100 Herisau
Email: info@appenzellmoto.ch
Internet: www.appenzellmoto.ch
Mobile phone: +41 76 730 57 83